Q&A You read the About page, but still have questions. Here are some answers. Questions about comments/community What are the guidelines for commenting? You are all lovely people, so I probably don’t need to say this, but here are some guidelines. No hate. No bigotry. Be respectful. No spam or solicitations. No A.I. or Crypto stuff. No porn. There’s a person reading your comments before approving them (me), so please bear that in mind and be kind. ❤️ Why is commenting only open for 30 days? To keep newer posts alive and to re-focus conversations and shine light on the contributors for more recent issues! But what if I want to keep discussing a comic? Please head over to the Jectoons.net Lemmy community and discuss away! Questions about social media Which socials are you on? The project itself has no socials, but Jectoons has accounts on the Fediverse, Youtube and Instagram, as well as one on X (Twitter) that is not used but remains there to hold on to the name. Updates to Fodongo will be shared on the following socials: ComicsCamp.Club Lemmy Instagram Can I share these comics on social media? By all means! But please remember the appropriate way to credit each author. [Work] by [Author] is under [ license ].[Link to Author/Fodongo or both][Link to license] And if you’re doing derivative works: [Derivative work] by [author] is under [ license ] and is based/builds upon [work by original author], which is under [ license ].[Link to derivative work’s author’s site][Link to original author/Fodongo or both][Link to license(s)] Questions about money How is the money from each sale distributed? 50% goes to Fodongo (and Jectoons.net) and 50% is divided 4-ways between the artists participating in each issue. The 50% that remains in Fodongo (and Jectoons.net) is used to: Commission artists for future issues. Cover website hosting, domain and other internet things. Pay transaction processing fees. Save to potentially increase the zine’s budget in order to pay artists more and do more cool things with the project. This project is cool and I want to support it further! Hey, thanks for that. Please check the Support page for more information on how you can make the zine come to life!