First 3 issues of the zine now available on the Internet Archive

As mentioned in the About page, once all the comics from an issue are published on the site, the issue is uploaded to the Internet Archive.

The first three issues are up there now, for posterity! Please check them out, download them, share them, and create derivative works! If you still want to support the zine (thank you!) you can head over to the Zine Store or the Support page. 🙂 Enjoy!

Issue #3 OUT NOW!

2024, Free Culture for All!

Look, it’s a new year, and it looks like Fodongo is part of it! Thanks for being a part of Fodongo too!

For our first issue of the year we start out with a comic about young writer in the midst of a romantic adventure the likes of which has never been seen before, by BurnedCoffee; Federico Kempke then gives us a reflective look at his complex (to say the least) relationship with airports; then we have a comic about the role parenthood plays in adventuring, by returning artist Sprak; and finally we have the conclusion (?) of the Magical Singing Frog’s journey, by myself.

If you like these comics please share them with everyone you know, and check out our past issues: I’m sure you will find more comics to like there.

Thanks again for reading us, happy new year, and onwards we go to a year full of comics!

-Emiliano Carrasco “Jectoons”, editor & publisher